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1127 High Ridge Road #1113
Stamford, CT 06905

203 594-7236

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Digital Hub

Vennue Digital Hub

For the first time ever, the global pharmacy workforce has a digital home. The Vennue Digital Hub provides access to our proprietary curriculum and digital learning modules so that pharmacy staff anywhere in the world can complete our distance learning program and gain certification from remote locations. 

Help expand the learning platform for healthcare workers.

Join the new platform for global health workforce education. As of June 2023, our vibrant community has over 1,000 certified health professionals and is growing. Hub membership is FREE and offers many benefits:

  • Flexible online learning for all skill levels

  • Keep pace with current best practices and cutting-edge topics

  • Build networks through peer interactions

  • Engage in continuing professional development 

“The Vennue Hub is for pharmacists and healthcare professionals
who like engaging learning experiences. You can learn and update your knowledge anytime, anywhere, on any device!”

— Sunil Shrestha, Clinical Pharmacist, Nepal

Join today.
Together we can transform patient care!