Answering international calls to action
By illuminating the untapped potential of pharmacy staff and expanding their roles in the health system, we are answering international calls to strengthen the health workforce.
Strategic partnerships
World Health Organization
By 2030 the WHO projects a global shortfall of 18 million health workers necessary to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with the worst concentration of this gap in low-income countries. Our programs to expand and strengthen the scope of pharmacy practice are aligned with the priorities of the WHO Global Health Workforce Network.
UN Sustainable Development Goals
Vennue is accelerating progress toward achieving the inter-related UN Sustainable Development Goals, particularly target 3.c. which calls for new approaches to “develop, train and retain the health workforce in developing countries.” No other organization is championing a scalable, locally adaptable framework to develop the capacity of the global pharmacy workforce.
International Pharmaceutical Federation
Vennue’s contributions have been recognized by the International Pharmaceutical Federation. In recent years, our model has been showcased at FIP conferences in Dusseldorf, Germany; Buenos Aires, Argentina; Nanjing, China; Seoul, South Korea; and Sevilla, Spain.
Vennue's Tammy Allen with the WHO's Jim Campbell at a pharmacy workforce conference in Nanjing, China.
FIP’s Dr Carmen Pena meets with Vennue leadership to learn about our work.
“Building a pharmaceutical workforce that is competent, sustainable, accountable and respected …will make our countries’ health systems more efficient by lowering morbidity, mortality and cost.”
Local partners
Vennue's model is delivering remarkable results throughout the developing world — through strategic partnerships with community pharmacies, clinics, hospitals, universities and non-government organizations (NGOs).
In Asia, our in-country staff are scaling our programs in Bangladesh, Cambodia and Nepal, with plans to continue expanding throughout the region. In Africa, our new Program Managers — leading pharmacists and health workforce experts from Rwanda and Sudan — are working tirelessly to launch our first programs in the region. With additional funding, we plan to begin working in Latin America in 2024 in collaboration with a university partner in Quito, Ecuador.
Become a Vennue partner
Looking to advance your pharmacy workforce? We have the solution. Contact us: info@vennue.org