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1127 High Ridge Road #1113
Stamford, CT 06905

203 594-7236

Stan Bio

Stanley Mierzwa
Director & Chief Technology Officer

Stan is widely recognized as a leader in the field of digital health technology and Cybersecurity, particularly innovations that are both relevant and usable in low-resource settings. Stan is currently the Director, Center for Cybersecurity at Kean University where he also lectures in Foundations in Cybersecurity and Cyber Risk Management.  Previously, Stan worked at the State of New York, Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) Police as the Lead Application Security.  Prior to the MTA, Stan was the Director of Information Technology at the Population Council. Under his leadership the Population Council’s proprietary, award winning audio computer-assisted self-interviewing (ACASI) survey software he developed, has been successfully used in field- and clinic-based surveys to facilitate accurate reporting of sensitive behaviors.

Stan assisted in the formation of the InsideNGO Tech Professionals Group and received the 2010 inaugural InsideNGO Information Technology award. He has over 12 published research publications, is a peer reviewer for the Online Journal of Public Health Informatics and a member of several associations, including the FBI Infragard, IEEE, NTEN, and the Microbicides Trials Network as part of the NIH, and is a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP).  He holds an MS in Management of Information Systems from the New Jersey Institute of Technology and a BS in Electrical Engineering Technology from Fairleigh Dickinson University.

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